If multiple cleaning solutions must be used, always rinse the column between cleaning solutions with 3-5 CV of Milli-Q or DI water.If you are cleaning with a high or low pH solution, make certain that the rest of your chromatographic system (pump, pump seals, injector, etc.) is compatible.Run the column at half of the maximum recommended flow rate, taking special care to monitor the pressure as the cleaning solution may be of different viscosity than your normal mobile phase.Do not connect the column to the detector.Clean your column in the reverse flow direction.These rules apply regardless of what type of TSKgel ® column you are running. When you clean the column, there are a few basic rules to follow. This becomes your "baseline test mix" with which you can later compare. After establishing that the column is performing properly, using standard test probes, calculate the asymmetry factor, theoretical plates and resolution of one or more of your sample components. To use a sample component, you must establish baseline data when the column is new and performing well. If you have a well-resolved peak, this can be used to check column performance as well. You do not necessarily have to run a standard test probe to monitor your column. Generally, if one of the performance characteristics of your column changes by 10% or more, it is prudent to clean your column. When this occurs, it is time to clean your column. Occasionally, samples contain components that will irreversibly adsorb onto the packing material.