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Kalyanasundaram, Lausanne, Switzerland Project Madurai is an open, voluntary, worldwide initiative devoted to preparation of electronic texts of Tamil literary works and to distribute them free on the. Attached Files Download Requires Membership Thirukkural_with_M 974.5 KB, 10243 views PROFESSIONALS AND BUSINESSES PARTICIPATING IN DISCUSSION.ġ330 thirukkural in tamil with meaning in pdf - INFOSUBA.ORG. Dear Friends, Have you ever tasted the meaning of thirukkural. Thirukkural in Tamil Thirukkural 1330 Kural.Ģ9. 9, 2011 kailashblog tamil, tamil literature, tamil marai, tamil nool, tamil poem, tamil thirukural, thirukkural, thirukkural download, thirukkural english, thirukkural english translation, thirukkural in english, thirukkural in english pdf, thirukkural in english with meaning, thirukkural in french, thirukkural in hindi. The Tirukkural or Thirukkural Tamil Name:, or shortly the Kural, is a classic Tamil literature consisting of 1330. Thirukkural Wit Meaning - Pdf Download - CiteHR. Thirukkural Explanation PDF Collection - Suresh IAS Academy TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4. He lived between second century BC and eighth century AD INTRODUCTION Human life is said to endeavor for the fulfillment of four goals of life- Dharma. ThiruValluvar was a celebrated Tamil poet and philosopher whose contribution to Tamil literature is the ThirukKural, a work on ethics.

More and more translations continue to be produced, the most recent one being a. Thirukkural in Malayalam Thirukkural in Malayalam There are more than a dozen translations of the Kural in Malayalam.